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He was particularly discontented with the boredom of the Danish Lutheran official church. He mercilessly criticizes what she might call Christian Sunday. Today people talk about ‘Christianity of faith23. Most children endure faithfully because of the gifts they will receive. The official ceremony recognizes a person as a Christian. Yes, I got it. For Kierkegaard, Christianity is both extraordinary and so irrational that it is bound to be either one way or another. One cannot have a certain amount of good faith. Because either Jesus was resurrected on Easter, or not. TO MY WIFE THE DAY I MET YOU HUSBAND BLANKET. And if he was indeed resurrected, if he did indeed die for us, it is so extraordinary that it must have had a powerful effect on our whole life. But Kierkegaard found that both the church and the general public gave innocuous access to religious questions. It is not enough just to believe that the Christian creeds are true. Having Christian faith means following a Christian way of life. What does that have to do with Hegel? You are right. Maybe we started in the wrong place. Then the master turned around and started over again. Kierkegaard began studying theology at the age of 17, but he became increasingly infatuated with philosophical questions.
To my wife the day i met you husband blanket
At the age of 27, he obtained a master’s degree with his first thesis, Thesis on satire concepts. In this work, he fought with romantic satire and irresponsible illusion game. He likened it to ‘Socrates’ satire. Although Socrates has used satire with great efficiency, its purpose is to elicit fundamental truths about life. Unlike the Romanticists, Socrates is what Kierkegaard calls an existentialist thinker. That is, a thinker who has drawn his entire existence into his philosophical thoughts. In 1841, after breaking his engagement, Kierkegaard went to Berlin, where he studied Schelling. No, Hegel passed away two years ago, but his thoughts still prevailed in Berlin and many parts of Europe. His system is used as a kind of versatile explanation for all kinds of questions. Kierkegaard argues that the ‘objective truth’ that the Hegel theory talks about has nothing to do with the private life of the individual. According to Kierkegaard, instead of searching for truth with a capital C, it is more important to search for truths that have meaning in personal life. Finding the truth for me is very necessary.
As such he puts the individual in opposition to the system. Kierkegaard argues that Hegel forgot that he was a human being. Here’s what he wrote about the Hegelian professor: While the bored professor explained the whole secrets of life, he forgot his own name, forgetting that he was a human being. nothing more or less, not the beautiful three-eighths of a passage. So what does Kierkegaard mean to be a person? TO MY WIFE THE DAY I MET YOU HUSBAND BLANKET. It cannot be expressed in general. Kierkegaard was not at all interested in a broad description of human nature or humanity. The only important thing is the unique existence of each human being. And I don’t experience my own existence behind a desk. Only when we act, especially when we make important choices, do we attach to our own existence. It is possible to illustrate what Kierkegaard wanted to say with a story about Buddha. That’s right because Buddha’s philosophy also took human existence as a starting point. There was a monk who asked Buddha to answer more clearly the fundamental questions about what the world is and what people are.
To my wife the day i met you husband blanket
Buddha responded by comparing the monk to a man who had been hit by a poisoned arrow. The wounded person probably wouldn’t care about the theory of what the arrow was made of, what kind of poison was it laced. Probably what he wanted most was someone pulling out an arrow and treating the wound. TO MY WIFE THE DAY I MET YOU HUSBAND BLANKET. Exactly. That is of vital importance to him. Both Buddha and Kierkegaard have a deep sense of existence for just a brief moment. And then, as I said, people don’t sit behind the desk and philosophize about the spiritual nature of the world. Kierkegaard also argues that truth is subjective. He does not mean that whatever we think or believe is the truth. He wanted to say that the truths that are truly important are personal. Only these truths are true for me.
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